On steam it shows I only have about 72 hours in, but I’ve been playing this game extensively for years on XBOX as well, somewhat recently made the switch to take full advantage of the new expansion. The studio is amazing, HIGHLY ACTIVE among the fan base, and really provides amazing support. Since I’ve been playing this game since roughly 2015, it’s been loads of free content after purchasing the main title itself – all the content has been damn near glitch free with some amazing gameplay situations.

The Lost Condor Pre-Installed:

That’s really about it. This game is difficult, requires you to not yeet yourself into the wild. You need to plan. You need to always have first aid. You need to always expect to run into hostile wildlife and carry a flare or a weapon. You need to always have what it takes to start at least one/two fires at any given time. There are beginner areas all the way up to “nature is outright trying to kill you” areas. Exposure will probably kill you before wildlife does, so there’s alot at stake when you venture out for an exploration run, equipment/loot run, hunting run, or to simply move to a new area.

Features and System Requirements:

Some amazing gameplay Fun game Beautiful game

1 :: Download Game 2 :: Extract Game 3 :: Launch The Game 4 :: Have Fun 🙂

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