The campaign features a story-driven narrative that is both engaging and humorous. The game’s story revolves around the alien race known as the Swarmers, who are trying to defend their planet from invading human forces. The story is told from the perspective of the Swarmers, providing a unique perspective on the events unfolding on the alien planet. The single-player campaign is divided into 14 levels, each with its own set of objectives and challenges. As players progress through the levels, they will encounter different types of human enemies, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. The game also features boss battles at the end of each chapter, which provides a unique challenge and requires players to employ different strategies to defeat them.

Attack Of The Earthlings Pre-Installed:

Attack of the Earthlings employs a variety of gameplay mechanics that make the game engaging and challenging. The game features a tactical, turn-based combat system that requires players to think strategically and plan their moves carefully. The game also employs an evolving system that allows players to gain new abilities and evolve their Swarmers to become more powerful. Additionally, the game features environmental puzzles that require players to use their surroundings to their advantage. One of the standout features of Attack of the Earthlings is its humor and storytelling. The game’s narrative is engaging and humorous, providing a unique perspective on the events unfolding on the alien planet.

Features and System Requirements:

Different types enemies Unique challenges Single-player

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